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About Our Goal.

The most excitement a Christian has is the time directly after they have been saved. It’s when everything is new and it seems as if Jesus has taken you in his arms and you feel the love of God. Years later nothing excites you about God unless he has intervened in your life leaving you with a victory over your circumstances.

You can stir the fires of your spirit to flame when you immerse your inner man in the Spirit of God. Sometimes all you need is a reminder of what God has promised and at other times you can be excited just by hearing Jesus speak to you.

God Amazes Me.com can do none of those things. The closer your relationship with Jesus Christ the more you will be excited and amazed at what God will do to obtain glory from you. Amazement is a reaction from God demonstrating his love and grace to you. God is able to do extremely more than can be imagined, but when everything is said and done God wants to thrill you so you will do greater things for his glory.

About Us.

I am Ken Dobbin author and some say teacher                                      

                                                                if that be so, it is a gift from God

I live in Marysville Ohio  and I would love to hear from you about How God has Amazed you..


email me at kdobbin@embarqmail.com with your comments and suggestions or how God has amazed you


Copyright 2021    God Amazes Me   All rights reserved


God Amazes Me

God Amazes Me    

About Our Goal.

The most excitement a Christian has is the time directly after they have been saved. It’s when everything is new and it seems as if Jesus has taken you in his arms and you feel the love of God. Years later nothing excites you about God unless he has intervened in your life leaving you with a victory over your circumstances.

You can stir the fires of your spirit to flame when you immerse your inner man in the Spirit of God. Sometimes all you need is a reminder of what God has promised and at other times you can be excited just by hearing Jesus speak to you.

God Amazes Me.com can do none of those things. The closer your relationship with Jesus Christ the more you will be excited and amazed at what God will do to obtain glory from you. Amazement is a reaction from God demonstrating his love and grace to you. God is able to do extremely more than can be imagined, but when everything is said and done God wants to thrill you so you will do greater things for his glory.

About Us.

I am Ken Dobbin author and some say teacher

                                       if so it is a gift from God

I live in Marysville Ohio  and I would love to hear from you about How God has Amazed you.

email me at kdobbin@embarqmail.com with your comments and suggestions or how God has amazed you.


Copyright 2016    God Amazes Me   All rights reserved